Monday, August 27, 2012

First Day of School

Monday August 27, 2012

Well, today was the first day of school!  The entire summer I have dreaded this day.... I am excited to be back at school, yet VERY nervous for Senior Seminar.  I had several ideas over the summer on what to do my paper on, but I think I got it narrowed down to two topics: how the Great Depression effected Aurora, IL, or how the railroads helped to establish the city of Aurora.  I think the first option would be easier and more interesting because there would be several different angles to attack it from.  I am SO NERVOUS!!! I want to do an awesome job on this, but at the same time, a 23 (at least!) page paper makes me want to cry.

I am very happy that our class is small and everyone from Problems In History is in it!  This makes things less awkward and I already have strong friendships with Martha and Micheal.  Scott is in all three of my classes this semester, so I am sure we will be able to help each other out too.  I am looking forward to getting started on my paper, but I know I won't be able to do that until I gather a sufficient amount of sources first.  I hope to utilize the Aurora Historical Society, the AU library, data bases, and any other sources that I can think of.

Today in class, we basically went over the gist of the class, went over what was expected, and had a light day.  I am sure things will pick up and get pretty stressful quickly with all my papers, readings, and deadlines!  However, I am still looking forward to a challenging and fun semester!

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